10 Skin Care Tips for the New Year!

January is a great time to implement changes in your skincare routine. A little bit of effort now will pay off by the end of the year. There are many ways you can improve the overall health of your skin with some of these simple New Year skin care tips!

1. Prevent Sun Damage

No matter what time of year it may be, the sun’s rays can damage your exposed skin with UVA and UVB. Over time, this damage can lead to sunspots, dark spots, freckling, an aged look, and other blemishes. Try to aim for 30 to 50 SPF and apply it as directed.

2. Drink Plenty of Water

Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is very important. Try to aim for eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day at a minimum, or half your body weight in ounces (e.g., if you weigh 100 lbs., drink at least 50 ounces of water per day). Healthy hydration on the inside will show on the outside as well as in brighter and clearer skin, less puffiness around your eyes, and tighter skin on your cheeks and neck.

3. Don’t Forget to Moisturize

Drinking water helps hydrate your body from the inside out. But applying moisturizer directly to your skin is a great addition to your hydrating routine too. When your skin is hydrated, you’ll even notice a reduction in the appearance of acne breakouts, blackheads, fine lines & wrinkles as your skin reaches a more balanced, healthy state. Some of the most notable hydrating ingredients are aloe vera, hyaluronic acid (HA), glycerin, and squalane.

4. Pamper Your Lips

Taking care of the skin on your face is great, but many of us neglect our lips. Dry lips are prone to cracking and if left to get worse can lead to bleeding and permanent damage. Moisturizing your lips with a thick hydrating balm and other lip products can go a long way in improving your overall skin.

5. Stay on Top of Daily Cleansing

Setting aside a non-negotiable amount of time each day to thoroughly cleanse your face should be the most important change you make. A twice daily cleansing routine should be your priority! Cleanse your face in the morning to remove impurities that were brought to the surface while you slept and cleanse your face in the evening to remove makeup and other contaminants you may have been exposed to throughout the day.

6. Apply a Mask Once a Week

Keeping your skin moisturized with your favorite moisturizer is great but try adding in a weekly mask too. Hydrating masks are a great addition to your overall skincare routine and can go a very long way in helping to repair damaged skin and provide a much smoother complexion. Choose a mask that focuses on what's important to you such as clay masks to help tighten your pores or hydrogel masks to help reduce fine lines & wrinkles.

7. Use Your Favorite Exfoliator

Exfoliating your skin is a great way to remove built up surface impurities and dead skin cells. You don’t have to use an abrasive scrub to get good results with an exfoliator. Try an enzymatic exfoliator like SM Banana Enzyme Peel ($45) for instantly softer skin the minute you finish. Exfoliation can be added to your schedule once or twice a week even before your mask, or you can use a very gentle exfoliator that is made for daily use.

8. Do Not Leave Makeup on Overnight

Leaving makeup on overnight can wreak havoc on your skin by trapping pore-clogging impurities in your pores and on the surface of your skin. This can lead to blackheads, whiteheads, acne and other problems. No matter how tired you may be, always try to make a conscious effort to set aside about 5 minutes to give your skin a refreshing cleanse before climbing into bed for the night. As a backup plan, always have dual-action cleansing wipes like Image I Beauty Refreshing Facial Wipes ($15) on hand if traditional cleansing is not an option. No rinsing required!

9. Get Plenty of Sleep

Often overlooked as a culprit to poor skin, but not getting enough sleep can lead to puffy eyes, numerous fine lines, and an abundance of wrinkles. Always try to get plenty of sleep each night (i.e., 7 hours). Obviously, this may not be possible, but by making a conscious effort you can improve your general skin condition and health.

10. Stay Consistent All Year

Staying consistent is going to be your biggest challenge. It may take several weeks before you can see real results in your skin. But sticking with it will pay off in the end. It’s understandable to want to see instant results, and in some cases, you will have instantly smoother and softer skin, but to get the absolute best results, sticking with the routine over the long term is your best bet for amazing looking skin!

Whether you just choose one or two tips and stick with them, or go with the whole set of ten, you will still be making positive improvements in your overall skin health and complexion. You’ll also notice a reduction in fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes and acne breakouts. If you can maintain a proper skincare routine throughout the year, you will notice exceptional changes in your skin over time.

Contact Spa Matrix today for your recommended SPF moisturizer, lip products, cleansers, mask and exfoliator. Or visit the SHOP to check out our new products!




Stress and the skin